Thursday, May 31, 2012


On their way to the MTC.  You could tell my Dad was like a little kid on Christmas Eve and my mom was like a little kid waiting to go to the dentist.  HAHA...she was a little nervous about the whole thing, but excited as well.  Everyone was doing ok until they backed out of the driveway and I yelled to the kids to come to the front door to wave goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa....things got a little emotional for everyone.  


See ya soon!!!

Little did we know that when we said goodbye that morning we would see them later that evening.  HAHA.  Apparently  things are a little different for couple missionaries.  They were allowed to leave after their days classes. So they came to our Memorial Day BBQ and we got to say goodbye again.  We also found out we get to take them to the airport on Saturday morning....bright and early, their flight leaves at 8:30.  So we will bid a fond farewell knowing that it will be a little while before we see them again....their might be a few more tears shed this time, I'll keep ya posted ;)



  1. Love the blog, keep up the good reporting:) I had a nice phone conversation with your mother, I'm glad things are looser for the senior couples! I still can't believe they're really leaving for 2 years!!

  2. I love them!! Actually ALL of you!! How exciting that they're going to Hawaii, LUCKY!!! Thanks for starting the blog, I'll be watching! xoxo
